Saturday, October 5
10:00 am Zumba
5:00 pm Worship w/Communion
Sunday, October 6
8:15 am Worship Service w/Communion
10:00 am Worship Service w/Communion
and Children's Church
11:00 am 1st Communion Class
Tuesday, October 8
5:45 pm Zumba
7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal
Wednesday, October 9
6:00 pm Dinner
6:30 The Chosen/Season 3, Episode 4
Thursday, October 10
5:45 pm Zumba
Saturday, October 12
10:00 am Zumba
5:00 pm Worship w/Communion
Sunday, October 13
8:15 am Worship Service w/Communion
10:00 am Worship Service w/Communion
and Children's Church
11:00 am 1st Communion Class